Table of Content
Where the district is assisting an individual hospital or institution in any of the ways identified herein, the chairman or president of the board of trustees of the hospital or institution and one other member of the board of trustees designated by the respective board shall be named ex officio members of the board of directors of the district. These ex officio members shall serve without vote for the duration of the contractual relationships of the respective institutions with the district, or until a successor is named and qualifies. Application of provisions of article to bonds whose proceeds are to be loaned to more than one hospital agency or public agency; authority of county board of authorizing issuer. Authorization for public agencies to enter into subsidiary loan agreements with county board; county not to obligate itself. No hospital facilities shall be provided for any hospital agency or public agency which is not financially responsible and capable of fulfilling its obligations under the loan agreement, including the obligations to make the payments required thereunder, to operate, repair and maintain at its own expense the hospital facilities and to discharge such other responsibilities as may be imposed under the loan agreement.

Determination and allocation of Medicaid nursing home patient days; application for permit; rules and regulations. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any radio or other musical instrument in such a manner that it annoys or disturbs any patient confined to a hospital or sanitarium. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment of not more than thirty days. A licensed in-home provider and an individual employed as an in-home caregiver by a licensed in-home care provider are subject to random drug testing.
I. What You Should Expect to Pay for Home Care in South Carolina
The purpose of this article is to provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities in accordance with Subchapter IV, Chapter 33, Title 20, U.S. Nothing in this section affects the duty of a facility or activity licensed by the Department of Health and Environmental Control to report accidents or incidents pursuant to the department's regulations. However, anything reported pursuant to the department's regulations must not be considered to waive any privilege or confidentiality provided in subsection . In developing the methodology for collecting and analyzing the infection rate data, the department and advisory committee shall consider existing methodologies and systems for data collection, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Healthcare Safety Network; however, the department's discretion to adopt a methodology is not limited or restricted to any existing methodology or system.

The department shall act as the channeling agency for any federal criminal record checks required by this article. The individualized family service plan must be developed within the time established by the department after the child initially is referred and after the assessment is completed. With the parent's consent early intervention services may begin before completion of the assessment or plan, provided an interim plan is developed. The plan serves as the comprehensive plan for all agencies involved in providing early intervention services to the child and family. Services must be provided in a timely manner, as established by the department, pending resolution of disputes among public agencies or service providers.
Nursing Homes Licensing
"Person" means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnership, a corporation including an association, joint stock company, insurance company, and a health maintenance organization, a health care facility, a state, a political subdivision, or an instrumentality including a municipal corporation of a state, or any legal entity recognized by the State. "Hospital" means a facility organized and administered to provide overnight medical or surgical care or nursing care of illness, injury, or infirmity and may provide obstetrical care, and in which all diagnoses, treatment, or care is administered by or under the direction of persons currently licensed to practice medicine, surgery, or osteopathy. Persons from another state who would otherwise be considered "affected persons" are not included unless that state provides for similar involvement of persons from South Carolina in its certificate of need process. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing board of any nonprofit public hospital in this State with the approval of the governing body of the county wherein such hospital is located which has borrowed money may continue to borrow money in the name of the hospital for general hospital purposes. "Borrowing money" as used herein shall include the authority to make notes or other evidences of debt and to secure payment thereof by placing a mortgage on any or all of its property, both real and personal.
Nothing in this subsection creates immunity for a person for conduct in negotiating or entering into a cooperative agreement for which an application for a certificate of public advantage is not filed. However, privately-owned education infirmaries also may care for patients who are not students, faculty, or staff when the privately-owned education infirmary has agreed to provide such care to this class or patients prior to January 1, 2007. The department may establish a construction program providing for adequate facilities in this State and, insofar as possible, shall provide for the distribution of facilities and services throughout this State in such manner as to make all types of health services reasonably accessible to all persons in this State. The State Health Plan as required by this article may be used for purposes of establishing the relative need of projects for which applications are submitted under this construction program. Submittal of applications and review and approval of projects for which federal funds are requested must be in accordance with regulations adopted by the department and applicable federal act.
NC Division of Health Service Regulation
For purposes of this article, a direct caregiver does not include a faculty member or student enrolled in an educational program, including clinical study in a direct care entity. No hospital report or department disclosure may contain information identifying a patient, employee, or licensed health care professional in connection with a specific infection incident. The trustee or trustees under any trust indenture, or any depository specified by such trust indenture, may be such person or corporations as the county board shall designate, notwithstanding that they may be nonresidents of South Carolina or incorporated under the laws of the United States or the laws of other states of the United States. To issue bonds to refinance or to refund outstanding obligations, mortgages or advances heretofore or hereafter issued, made or given by a hospital or public agency for the cost of hospital facilities. But the commission may not bind the city to any obligation for the payment of any expenses in connection with the management, operation or construction of the hospital or for repairs, new buildings, construction or otherwise without first obtaining the consent and approval of the city council and shall incur no obligations that shall bind the city or city council in any way without first obtaining the consent thereto of such city council. If at any time any such contributing agreement should become unsatisfactory, the hospital board of trustees may discontinue it at the end of any calendar year by giving prior notice to the county legislative delegation and the auditor of the county in which the school district is located, or a majority of the freeholders and a majority of the qualified electors in the district may petition the county legislative delegation to discontinue such agreement.
It is the express intent of this section that any district authorized under this article incurs no tax liability to the State or any of its political subdivisions except to the extent that sales and use taxes may be payable on the purchases of goods or equipment by the district. The loan agreement may provide for the issuance of additional parity bonds as required in order to complete the hospital facility. The department shall publicize the report and its availability as widely as practical to interested parties including, but not limited to, hospitals, health care providers, media organizations, health insurers, health maintenance organizations, purchasers of health insurance, consumer or patient advocacy groups, and individual consumers. The annual report must be made available to any person upon request and the department may charge a fee for such copies, not to exceed the actual cost of the copy of the report.
If a patient does not wish to participate, the physician shall certify in writing that the patient has been notified of the opportunity, and has been provided information about the operation of the database and afforded the opportunity to ask questions, but has declined. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any financial obligation under the agreements entered into by a subsidiary corporation must be unconditionally guaranteed by the ultimate parent corporation of the purchaser/tenant. The Medical University of South Carolina shall have access at all times to all records of all patients treated at the Medical University Hospital, and all patients shall have access at all times to their own records. The function of the local ICC will be to advise and assist the state council and the department in planning and implementing a system of early intervention services at the local community level.
Any interested party may, within twenty days after the date of the publication of the notice, challenge the action taken by the county board in approving the subsidiary loan agreement or the Department of Health and Environmental Control with respect to the hospital facilities by action de novo in the court of common pleas in any county where the hospital facilities are to be located. The authorizing issuer and the project county are authorized and empowered to enter into an intergovernmental loan agreement to facilitate the financing of hospital facilities. An intergovernmental loan agreement obligates the project county to make payments to or on account of the authorizing issuer from payments received under one or more subsidiary loan agreements. The intergovernmental loan agreement is a limited obligation of the project county payable solely from the revenues derived under one or more subsidiary loan agreements. The intergovernmental loan agreement does not constitute an indebtedness of the project county within the meaning of any state constitutional provision or statutory limitation and does not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the project county or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers, and this fact must be plainly stated in the intergovernmental loan agreement.
For more information about your other options, read our section on Other Ways to Pay for this guide. To help make the process easier, there are a number of organizations and services that assist seniors with Medicaid applications and appeals. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. Child Care Scholarships can help families afford care, so they can work or go to school and gives them the freedom to choose what works best for their family.
The department may not disclose the identity of individuals present in a facility licensed by the department pursuant to this article or subject to inspection by the department, including a nursing home, a community residential care facility, or an intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disability. The department also shall inform the applicant that information on the resolution of the corrective action order is expected to be available upon written request within fifteen calendar days or less of the termination of time it determines for completion of the action. However, if information on the resolution is present in the files, it must be furnished to the applicant.
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