Table of Content
All clinical trainees, medical students, interns, and resident physicians must be explicitly identified as such on their badges. This information must be clearly visible and must be stated in terms or abbreviations reasonably understandable to the average person, as recognized by the Department of Health and Environmental Control. "Resident physician" means an individual who is participating in any graduate medical education program and whose relationship to the patient is under the auspices of the medical education program.

Determination and allocation of Medicaid nursing home patient days; application for permit; rules and regulations. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any radio or other musical instrument in such a manner that it annoys or disturbs any patient confined to a hospital or sanitarium. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment of not more than thirty days. A licensed in-home provider and an individual employed as an in-home caregiver by a licensed in-home care provider are subject to random drug testing.
Crisis Stabilization Unit Facilities
A person qualified to practice as a surgical technologist pursuant to subsection remains qualified to practice regardless of a break in practice provided the continuing education required in subsection is current. The department is authorized to investigate, by inspection or otherwise, any facility to determine if its operation is subject to licensure. Before undertaking a project enumerated in subsection , a person shall obtain a written exemption from the department as may be more fully described in regulation. "Medicaid nursing home permit" means a permit to serve Medicaid patients in an appropriately certified nursing home. Proof that lodging, food or other accommodation based upon contract was obtained by false pretense or by false or fictitious show or pretense of baggage, that a person absconded without paying or offering to pay for such food, lodging or other accommodation based upon contract or that a person surreptitiously removed or attempted to remove his baggage shall be prima facie proof of the fraudulent intent mentioned in this section.
Employ technical or professional services as may be desirable to the performance of the duties in the district. The term of each member shall expire on the January first nearest to the end of the term of years for which he is appointed or as otherwise provided in the foregoing provisions; provided, that each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. It is specifically found and declared that all action taken by any county in carrying out the purposes of this article will perform an essential governmental function. Such bonds shall mature serially over a period not exceeding thirty years from the date of their issue, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent per annum, payable annually, shall be payable to bearer within or without the State and shall be in such form and denominations as the city council of such municipality may determine.
DHEC Laws and Regulations: Land Waste Management
Such a disclosure to a practitioner in a disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing must not be considered a waiver of any privilege or confidentiality provided for in subsection . The practitioner must not, however, without the written consent of the hospital, publish to any third party, other than legal counsel or a person retained for the purposes of representing the practitioner in a disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing, the data, documents, records, or information that were disclosed to him as part of the disciplinary proceeding or fair hearing. A health care facility shall supervise each person employed by the health care facility to practice surgical technology according to the health care facility's policies and procedures to ensure that the person competently performs delegated tasks intraoperatively according to this section or other applicable provisions of law. A health care facility that employs a person to practice surgical technology shall verify that the person meets the continuing education requirements of subsection or that the person has held and maintained the Surgical Technologist Certification as required in subsection .
To contract for the operation of any department, section, equipment, or holdings of the district and to enter into those contracts which, in its judgment, are in the best interest of the district. The board of directors and officers of the district as selected in the manner specified in Act 490 of 1976 also constitute the board of directors and officers of the district when incorporated. Health Services Districts established pursuant to the provisions of Act 490 of 1976 may also incorporate as a public corporation in the manner provided by this article. The board of directors of the district shall have the right and privilege of appointing other ex officio directors for the purpose of availing itself of specialized talents, knowledge or counsel. Property and income of the district shall be exempt from all taxes levied by the State, county or any municipality, political subdivision or agency thereof, direct or indirect.
VII. Rules and Regulations for Home Care Providers in South Carolina
The department shall act as the channeling agency for any federal criminal record checks required by this article. The individualized family service plan must be developed within the time established by the department after the child initially is referred and after the assessment is completed. With the parent's consent early intervention services may begin before completion of the assessment or plan, provided an interim plan is developed. The plan serves as the comprehensive plan for all agencies involved in providing early intervention services to the child and family. Services must be provided in a timely manner, as established by the department, pending resolution of disputes among public agencies or service providers.

Where the district is assisting an individual hospital or institution in any of the ways identified herein, the chairman or president of the board of trustees of the hospital or institution and one other member of the board of trustees designated by the respective board shall be named ex officio members of the board of directors of the district. These ex officio members shall serve without vote for the duration of the contractual relationships of the respective institutions with the district, or until a successor is named and qualifies. Application of provisions of article to bonds whose proceeds are to be loaned to more than one hospital agency or public agency; authority of county board of authorizing issuer. Authorization for public agencies to enter into subsidiary loan agreements with county board; county not to obligate itself. No hospital facilities shall be provided for any hospital agency or public agency which is not financially responsible and capable of fulfilling its obligations under the loan agreement, including the obligations to make the payments required thereunder, to operate, repair and maintain at its own expense the hospital facilities and to discharge such other responsibilities as may be imposed under the loan agreement.
South Carolina Health Care Laws
There is hereby created a body politic and corporate to be known as the Pee Dee Regional Health Services District composed of the counties of Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion and Marlboro with an office in or near the city of Florence in Florence County as determined by the board. Minutes of all its meetings shall be kept and be subject to the inspection of the city council or its representatives, and it shall submit reports to the city council annually or oftener if desired. Review of application; advisement by the Attorney General to the department to approve or deny application.

The said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and the treasurer, and the seal of the issuing municipality shall be impressed thereon, but the coupons attached may be authenticated by only the lithographed or the facsimile signatures of the mayor and treasurer of such municipality. The bonds so executed shall be valid notwithstanding any change in officials occurring before delivery thereof. The treasurer shall receive no compensation for his services, and no trustee shall receive compensation for his services, but he may receive reimbursement for any cash expenditures actually made for personal expenses incurred as such trustee.
If at any time a patient requests that a nurse call his or her attending physician regarding the patient's personal medical care, the nurse shall place a call to the attending physician or his or her designee to inform him or her of the patient's concern. If the patient is able to communicate with and desires to call his or her attending physician or designee, upon the patient's request, the nurse must provide the patient with the telephone number and assist the patient in placing the call. A nurse or other clinical staff to whom such a request is made or who receives multiple requests may notify his or her immediate supervisor for assistance. This section does not preempt the authority of facilities or individuals providing diagnostic or treatment services to patients with Parkinson's disease to maintain their own facility-based Parkinson's disease databases or registries.

The department's certification was obtained as a result of intentional material misrepresentation to the department or as the result of coercion, threats, or intimidation toward any party to the cooperative agreement. If the court orders a hospital or affected person to produce documents to a third party under this section, the hospital or affected person shall have the right to immediately appeal that order, and the filing of the appeal shall stay the enforcement of the order compelling the production. For purposes of this section, an "affected person" means a person, other than a patient, who is a subject of a proceeding enumerated in subsection .
Any interested party may, within twenty days after the date of the publication of the notice, challenge the action taken by the county board in approving the subsidiary loan agreement or the Department of Health and Environmental Control with respect to the hospital facilities by action de novo in the court of common pleas in any county where the hospital facilities are to be located. The authorizing issuer and the project county are authorized and empowered to enter into an intergovernmental loan agreement to facilitate the financing of hospital facilities. An intergovernmental loan agreement obligates the project county to make payments to or on account of the authorizing issuer from payments received under one or more subsidiary loan agreements. The intergovernmental loan agreement is a limited obligation of the project county payable solely from the revenues derived under one or more subsidiary loan agreements. The intergovernmental loan agreement does not constitute an indebtedness of the project county within the meaning of any state constitutional provision or statutory limitation and does not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the project county or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers, and this fact must be plainly stated in the intergovernmental loan agreement.

"Patient" means an individual who is being treated by a physician in a hospital and includes a patient's representative or an individual allowed by law to make health care decisions for a patient who is a minor or who is unable to consent to health care treatment for himself or herself, or both. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the proposed sale or lease of MUSC's facilities and assets, MUSC must maintain the current level of services currently offered to indigent patients at Charleston Memorial Hospital unless the MUSC Board of Trustees approves otherwise. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, upon approval of the proposed lease and sale of Medical University of South Carolina facilities and assets, no one who is currently an employee of MUSC or UMA may personally profit from the transaction by accepting compensation or other financial incentives from the purchasing and/or leasing company if that individual played a substantial role in the negotiation process. As used in this section "substantial role" means a role where one is providing direct advice to the members of a negotiating team or being a member of a negotiating team.
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