Monday, April 29, 2024

The Call is Coming From Inside the House: On Fighting Disinformation Literary Hub

the call is coming from inside the house

The scenario of compromising data on behalf of state actors sees duplicitous staff members carrying out the instructions or interests of competing nation-states. This category of malicious insider is known as the employed spy, and the Twitter incident from 2019 is a perfect illustration of how this works. The first example of this I want to discuss went down in Chicago in 2014. Naturalized Chinese-American citizen Xudong Yao had obtained a job with the Illinois Locomotive Company. In just two weeks, he had downloaded over 3,000 confidential records detailing the manufacturer’s process and components.

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In 2019, VICE described how the employees of several departments in the social media company Snapchat had been abusing the company’s dedicated data access tools to spy on users. One such tool was referred to as SnapLion, and sources claim that it was initially designed to prevent bullying on the popular app. A malicious insider with financial gain in mind might use your company’s privileged data for profit.

The Creepy History Of The ‘Call Is Coming From Inside The House’ Trope

The song “The Calls Are Coming from Inside the House” by Ravine Angel is a haunting and thought-provoking piece that delves into the depths of human emotion and the complexities of relationships. With its intricate lyrics and mesmerizing melodies, the song explores themes of vulnerability, deceit, and the inner turmoil that often plagues individuals in toxic relationships. This trope is probably old enough to predate the adoption of 911 services, especially as the original version of the legend usually highlights that the victim has to "call the operator". TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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the call is coming from inside the house

It was an attempted coup to "find Karine a graceful exit" due to the "ugly optics" of removing the first black and first openly gay White House press secretary. “Since the Israel-Gaza war began, journalists have been paying the highest price — their lives — to defend our right to the truth. Each time a journalist dies or is injured, we lose a fragment of that truth,” CPJ Program Director Carlos Martínez de la Serna said in a statement. To get inside Saturday's dinner, some guests had to hurry through hundreds of protesters outraged over the mounting humanitarian disaster for Palestinian civilians in Gaza. They condemned Biden for his support of Israel's military campaign and Western news outlets for what they said was undercoverage and misrepresentation of the conflict.

c. Stealing Data for Competitive Interests

If we don’t, we’ll only be dealing with an ever-more-nuanced, ever-expanding issue, continuing our losing streak in the ongoing information war. For two centuries, it has been the peaceful site of Congress’ legislation, presidential inaugurations, and State of the Union addresses. Burned by the British in 1814, the building has since been fortified in its reconstruction just like Americans’ resolve to maintain our democracy.

d. Sabotaging Data and Company Operations

This usually involves a larger profit scheme with at least two actors, namely someone with access to confidential information and someone to purchase it. Here are few famous instances of this scenario that have been covered by reputable media outlets. The only solution on the market to provide de-escalation of admin rights when a threat is detected, Heimdal`s Privileged Access Management will allow your sysadmins to streamline the approval process. This will save the entire enterprise a considerable amount of time, money, and resources, as well as increase security and prevent malicious insiders from exploiting your data.


This is why the concept is linked to technologies such as encryption, multifactor authentication, and privileged access management (PAM). A total of 29 Cupertino employees were caught disclosing private details about future launches to the press, 12 out of which were arrested for their actions. This type of behavior does not denounce anything immoral on the part of Apple but endangers their sales potential. Thus, it can be considered malicious because it brings prejudice to the company. Many of the most successful disinformation campaigns—such as the 2016 DNC hack and leak operation that wounded Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign—are fueled, in part, by cyberattacks.

The Calls Are Coming from Inside the House

You’ve probably heard about deep fakes—manipulated images and video created through artificial intelligence—and how they are the next big disinformation threat. Nina Schick breaks down how these technologies can be used to affect political outcomes, threaten national security, and cause us to question everything we see. She also leaves us with hope and a plan for defending against deep fakes; we’ll surely need it soon. Both movies follow Jill Johnson, who is working as a babysitter for the children of a wealthy doctor and his wife. Not long into her job, however, she is plagued by persistent, creepy phone calls from someone who is watching her every move...

What inspired Ravine Angel to write “The Calls Are Coming from Inside the House”?

Trump did not attend Saturday's dinner and never attended the annual banquet as president. In 2011, he sat in the audience, and glowered through a roasting by then-President Barack Obama of Trump's reality-television celebrity status. Obama's sarcasm then was so scalding that many political watchers linked it to Trump's subsequent decision to run for president in 2016.

Frenkel and Kang, intrepid New York Times reporters with deep sourcing inside Facebook, take readers deep “inside Facebook’s battle for domination,” revealing never-before-published anecdotes about the goings-on inside the company. Disinformation and today’s online information ecosystem are more nuanced than news headlines might suggest. Here are five books that will enhance and expand your understanding of the tools of disinformation, its adjacent harms, and the future of the threat in a way that the morning news can’t. It was time spent in Central and Eastern Europe (in particular Ukraine, which has become Russia’s laboratory for perfecting disinformation tools and tactics) that hastened my frustrations and led me to write my first book, How to Lose the Information War. It travels to five countries where disinformation is taken seriously, positing that homegrown threats are amplified and exacerbated by foreign adversaries, and that winning the information war starts with a long, hard look in the mirror. He was joined in his sedition by his namesake son, who threatened Republican members of Congress unwilling to overturn the election, “We’re coming after you, and we’re going to enjoy doing it!

the call is coming from inside the house

Through powerful imagery and evocative metaphors, Ravine Angel takes listeners on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. The song’s emotive lyrics and haunting melodies allow listeners to empathize with the protagonist’s internal struggle and serves as a reminder that not everything is as it seems in matters of the heart. When a Stranger Calls is a horror movie that uses The Calls Are Coming from Inside the House as a plot. It plays with the Urban Legend of "The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs". Before the Romacks left for the night, Ed Romack brought his shotgun out and placed it by the front door. He showed Janett how to load and shoot the gun and told her to not to answer the door without turning on the porch light first to make sure she recognized whoever was there.

No One Prepared for What Man Finds in Kitchen After House Alarm Goes Off - Newsweek

No One Prepared for What Man Finds in Kitchen After House Alarm Goes Off.

Posted: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Several well-known examples of this type of dicey behavior have been reported within the National Security Agency (NSA) over the years. In 2003, an NSA employee allegedly monitoring a woman he was having sex with. Just one year later in 2004, another NSA employee monitored a strange number she found on her husband’s phone to see whether he was cheating on her or not. These books underline that disinformation is very much a continuing problem, and one we need policymakers, tech companies, and individuals to wake up to and solve.

Therefore, you should control who can connect removable media disks such as USB sticks to your corporate network, as well as what other types of devices can be connected. Smartphones, tablets, and other Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/3G/4G devices need to be closely monitored. The zero trust model is an additional layer of security that is particularly critical for scalability as your company grows. Increasing the number of endpoints within your corporate network and expanding your infrastructure to include cloud and servers is necessary for proper development but poses increasingly difficult challenges as well. In the case of a malicious insider stealing data to satisfy competitive interests, there are two potential sub-scenarios.

In return for a donation, you’ll get an ad-free reading experience, exclusive editors’ picks, book giveaways, and our coveted Joan Didion Lit Hub tote bag. Most importantly, you’ll keep independent book coverage alive and thriving on the internet. My hope and prayer on this Shabbat Zachor is that in remembering the destructive potential of evil, we will rededicate ourselves to the work of pursuing peace. This should give us hope that we are not marching inexorably towards the demise of Israeli democracy. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” said 18th-century British statesman Edmund Burke.

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